I'll be honest, I was and I still am a big offender of this first beginner mistake. All too often I play a spell or minion just because I have the Mana to do so rather than wait for the perfect opportunity. The reason for this is a mix of impatience and a lack of overall Hearthstone game knowledge. However, patience is critical to success, and it is a characteristic that is shared among all of the top Hearthstone players. If you ever watch a professional play, you will notice that the full 90 seconds is spent almost every turn. This time is spent evaluating all possible scenarios for the current turn and anticipating the turns to follow.
Biding your time and waiting for the right opportunity to play a card is very important, especially for the Rogue class. Don't be afraid to skip a turn. As a rogue you have the ability to use AOE spells to clear the opponents board in an instant. However, you usually only get one, maybe two opportunities in a single match to clear out an entire board of enemy Minions. Make sure you save your Deadly Poison, Blade Flurry, etc. prepared so you can unleash a devastating combo at the optimal time.
you gain more experience playing as the Rogue Class you will become
more familiar with certain situations. This will allow you to be more
adaptable and you will find yourself anticipating your opponent's
plays more often.
My Experience
Honestly, just being more patient and learning basic opponent tendencies has increased my win rate dramatically. I had extreme difficulty playing against certain classes/deck types, but now I look forward to playing against them.
For example, dealing with early opponent pressure was something I feared. As my opponent had three to four minions already on the board, I had zero. Even with Mech builds, opponents would have up to five decently powerful Minions out by turn five. As I tried dealing with individual Minion after Minion I was inefficiently wasting my spells. Whether it was me using eviscerate on a two Health Minion, or using a two card play just to kill a 2/2 Minion with Divine shield, I was a mess. I was losing game after game and knew I needed to change up my play style.

After playing the same type of decks time after time, I learned that the order of play and enemy Minion types was relatively standard. Early pushes from opponents usually meant many low cost weaker minions and I could predict the fact that not many stronger minions would be played. By using AOE spells such as Fan of Knives (With +Spell Damage) these minions were cleared out much for efficiently.
If an opponent waited a couple of turns it was often just the opposite. Within the first two or three turns I could get out a few lower cost Minions of my own and put the pressure on. Keeping board control allowed me to save my spell cards for the mid-to-late game where I was able to unleash devastating combos to finish off my opponent.
Being patient allows you to experience every type of opponent's strength and weakness. Once you become more accustomed to such variables (opponent playstyle, deck type, order of play) it will allow you to create much more opportunities for yourself. Knowing whether to attack turn two or turn four can often mean the difference between winning a match or being defeated.
Efficient plays win battles, efficient battles win turns and efficient turns win matches. Patience is critical to learn where and how to create those efficient plays. If you ever are on a losing streak, take some time to reflect and learn from your major misplays. Take your time, before, during and after each match, learn from your mistakes and improve each and every match. Good Luck and remember, Patience is key!
If you don't believe me, please watch the following video and I can assure you, you will be convinced. This is a video I found on Youtube, Trump is Rank 2 and his opponent is Rank 3. Based on the following info. who do you think wins?
Turn #5
Opponent (Rank 3)
Minions in Play: Seven
Health: 25
Trump (Rank 2)
Minions in Play: One
Health: 1
If you now believe that Patience is an important part of Hearthstone please share your thoughts or in-game experiences in the comments below!
Biding your time and waiting for the right opportunity to play a card is very important, especially for the Rogue class. Don't be afraid to skip a turn. As a rogue you have the ability to use AOE spells to clear the opponents board in an instant. However, you usually only get one, maybe two opportunities in a single match to clear out an entire board of enemy Minions. Make sure you save your Deadly Poison, Blade Flurry, etc. prepared so you can unleash a devastating combo at the optimal time.

My Experience
Honestly, just being more patient and learning basic opponent tendencies has increased my win rate dramatically. I had extreme difficulty playing against certain classes/deck types, but now I look forward to playing against them.
For example, dealing with early opponent pressure was something I feared. As my opponent had three to four minions already on the board, I had zero. Even with Mech builds, opponents would have up to five decently powerful Minions out by turn five. As I tried dealing with individual Minion after Minion I was inefficiently wasting my spells. Whether it was me using eviscerate on a two Health Minion, or using a two card play just to kill a 2/2 Minion with Divine shield, I was a mess. I was losing game after game and knew I needed to change up my play style.

After playing the same type of decks time after time, I learned that the order of play and enemy Minion types was relatively standard. Early pushes from opponents usually meant many low cost weaker minions and I could predict the fact that not many stronger minions would be played. By using AOE spells such as Fan of Knives (With +Spell Damage) these minions were cleared out much for efficiently.
If an opponent waited a couple of turns it was often just the opposite. Within the first two or three turns I could get out a few lower cost Minions of my own and put the pressure on. Keeping board control allowed me to save my spell cards for the mid-to-late game where I was able to unleash devastating combos to finish off my opponent.
Being patient allows you to experience every type of opponent's strength and weakness. Once you become more accustomed to such variables (opponent playstyle, deck type, order of play) it will allow you to create much more opportunities for yourself. Knowing whether to attack turn two or turn four can often mean the difference between winning a match or being defeated.
Efficient plays win battles, efficient battles win turns and efficient turns win matches. Patience is critical to learn where and how to create those efficient plays. If you ever are on a losing streak, take some time to reflect and learn from your major misplays. Take your time, before, during and after each match, learn from your mistakes and improve each and every match. Good Luck and remember, Patience is key!
If you don't believe me, please watch the following video and I can assure you, you will be convinced. This is a video I found on Youtube, Trump is Rank 2 and his opponent is Rank 3. Based on the following info. who do you think wins?
Turn #5
Opponent (Rank 3)
Minions in Play: Seven
Health: 25
Trump (Rank 2)
Minions in Play: One
Health: 1
If you now believe that Patience is an important part of Hearthstone please share your thoughts or in-game experiences in the comments below!
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