I've already written a few posts on matches that I've won and included some basic strategies that I normally use. However, I thought it would be good to list the cards that I use in my deck and provide a brief summary of the advantages of each one. My deck is focused around card draw, spell damage and board control.
Overall, I created my deck to counter aggressive opponent decks by using Spells to efficiently clear out 2-3+ enemy Minions at one time. The majority of my Minions have +1 to Spell Damage which further buffs the damage of my all AOE and single target spells. While I keep board control, I whittle away at my opponent's HP until he falls below 20HP. Usually I can use my spells to finish him off at this time. This is most effective when the opponent cannot heal himself.
While I do have a lot of success against aggressive Warlock Decks & Aggressive Paladin Decks, I have more of a challenge against more defensive opponents such as those playing Warrior Control Decks. Warrior control focuses on surviving early in the match through increased armor, board control (Weapons & Minion Battlecry often used) and playing it safe till turn 6+. Priests also give me some trouble as they continue to heal themselves throughout the match.
The following is a list of every card I use in my deck:
(2x) Backstab: One of the best Combo starters, if not the best. Two damage for zero Mana cost and can be used on any turn. This is especially useful in the early rounds on 1-3 Health Enemy Minions. In addition, this damage can be buffed with +Spell Damage.
(2x) Preparation: Another free Spell, which reduces the cost of the next spell you play by 3 Mana. This is used in 99% of my best Combos as it essentially allows you to play any 1, 2 or 3 Mana Cost spell for free. 87% of the spells in my deck cost three or less Mana to play.
(2x) Blade Flurry: AOE spell that damages ALL enemies. This includes those Minions with stealth PLUS the enemy Hero. Combined with Deadly Poison and Spell Damage this spell can be extremely powerful. Wiping out 3-4 enemy Minions with five or less health is not uncommon.
(2x) Eviscerate: Another one of my favorite spells. For only two Mana this spell can instantly do 10+ damage to a single target. This is assuming you have enough +Spell Damage and the card combo is played correctly. Double eviscerate is a common way of finishing off the opponent's Hero.
(2x) Shiv: I've seen people complain about this card on Forums, saying that 2 Mana for 1 damage is really a waste of a card. However, Shiv also gives you an extra card which is extremely beneficial for a combo Rogue that relies on card draw. In addition, this damage can be buffed with +Spell Damage.
(2x) Fan of Knives: AOE spell that damages all MINIONS. While this spell won't do damage to the opposing Hero it allows you to draw another card. In addition, unlike Blade Flurry, Fan of Knives will not destroy your weapon. I find this card extremely powerful in the early game. In the Mid-Late game it is still useful, especially when you have +Spell Damage to buff the AOE effect.
(1x) Tinker's Sharpsword Oil: I often use this card in the Mid-Late game as part of my finishing combos. The most common one I've used successfully is the Deadly Poison + Tinker's Sharpsword Oil + Blade Flurry. This is devastating to any opponent as it is a 6 damage AOE combo. This combination has allowed me to completely shift the momentum of a match by completely clearing out my opponent's board. Not to mention, this card gives a random friendly Minion an extra +3 Attack, which is always a nice bonus. In addition, Blade Flurry also benefits from the +Spell Damage.
(1x) Sprint: If I'm up against a control type deck, I usually have time to use Sprint to prepare for the later turns. Sprint does cost 7 Mana (Essentially giving up your turn), so it is not usually feasible when you are dealing with an aggressive opposing deck. However, this card is extremely beneficial as it allows you to draw four cards. I often use Preparation first which makes Sprint only cost a total of four Mana. Having four new cards in your hand substantially increases the combo possibilities that you can unleash on your opponent. A Rogue with 6+ cards can easily finish off an opponent in the late game especially if they are at 20HP or lower.
(1x) Bloodmage Thalnos: + Spell Damage. Deathrattle= draw a card.
(2x) Kobold Geomancer: + Spell Damage. I often use Bloodmage Thalnos & Kobold Geomancer with Backstab for a three damage attack in the early rounds as each card only costs 2 Mana.

However, I've had matches where this card benefited from a 5+ card combo, increasing it's attack from 1 to 11 plus! In addition, to the damage from the spell combinations I've dealt 20+ damage in a single turn.
(2x) Dalaran Mage: Very underutilized card in most spell decks. It helps to keep board control.
(1x) Edwin VanCleef: The two turn combo allows me to get quick wins. This card is extremely powerful as it can be used to create an extremely powerful minion on any turn.
(1x) Harvest Golem: I like to use this card to absorb damage and waste my opponents cards. Once destroyed, the Deathrattle from Harvest Golem automatically summons a 2/1 Damaged Golem in its place. Therefore, opponents usually have to use at least 2 cards to "fully destroy" this card. With 3 Health, this card is also very useful in tanking early Minion damage from aggressive opponent decks.
(1x) Gnomish Inventor: Four Health, plus you draw a card. With only 2 Attack this card is not much of a threat, but it gives me an extra card, buys me an extra turn and forces my opponent to use a card or two of their own if they want to clear it from the board.
(1x) Ogre Magi: + Spell Damage. With 4 Attack & 4 Health it is a very balanced Minion.
(2x) Azure Drake: + Spell Damage, plus you draw a card. This Minion is also very balanced.
(1x) Archmage: + Spell Damage. Only costs 6 Mana, and it comes equipped with 7 Health, which makes it relatively difficult to destroy.
(1x) Malygos: + 5 Spell Damage. While I like to finish matches quickly there are always those matches that linger on until Turns 10+. Once this card is on the field, every single one of my damage spells are increased by 5! Unless Malygos is destroyed (or stolen) by a spell, it is nearly impossible for the opponent to summon any new minions. The reason for this is, that simple spells such as Fan of Knives, Shiv, Backstab, Blade Flurry, Eviscerate etc. all get an added 5 damage bonus. If I were just to play 2x Shiv (12 damage) & 2x Eviscerate (18 damage) that would be a total of 30 damage!
Final Thoughts: As I continue to go up the Ranks, I was make minor changes to this deck if I have to. Right now though, I have been winning about 3 out of every 4 matches and I am more than happy with those results. Up until this point I have not played against many Rogues with a similar deck to mine.
Honestly, I have only played a few Rogues so far in my last 2 weeks of Ranked play. Out of the Rogues that I did face, the majority of them were using Mech type decks. I think the fact that the Rogue is not as popular a class gives me advantage over the other players I face. In addition, I believe that I have a unique Rogue deck that most people do not expect to play against.
I'm curious to find out what type of Rogue decks other players come across when they play ranked games. Please let me know in the comments below!
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