Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Winning (19 Total Damage) Combo In Arena

This post is meant to show just a small sample of what Rogues can do when combos are used effectively.

Quick Recap: I only had a 2/3 minion creature out on the field and my opponent had a 7/7 and a 3/2. I was down to 11 Health and my opponent still had 19 Health left.

Luckily, from the picture you can see I had 4 cards left and it was my turn. By playing Arcane Golem I was able to activate the combo mechanic on the 3 cards in my hand. With the combo activated, 2x Cold Blood = 8 extra attack for Arcane Golem on this turn and 1x Eviscerate = 4 extra damage.

Being that Arcane Golem had charge, I was able to use those 4 cards to do a total of 16 damage that my opponent did not expect. In addition, I used my Hero Power for 1 damage and my 2/3 creature for 2 damage for a total of 19 damage on one turn!

Most classes cannot chain together multiple cards on one turn and deal large amounts of damage at once. Therefore, most opponents may think they have the advantage in this situation having board control and being up by 8 HP (Rightfully so). However, Rogues have the capability of winning a match instantly, especially when there are still a lot of cards in his/her hand.

Although I have never done this myself, I have seen Rogues on the verge of losing put together an 8 card 30+ damage combo. Hopefully, I'll be able to do this one day!

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